Thursday, August 7, 2008

Youtubin' It

Youtube could totally suck a person in for a long, long time! I had been on youtube before, but not a whole lot. I use it sometimes when I am trying to learn a new song on the guitar and don't have a personal recording of the song. It’s actually a really great resource for that. Just searching around for videos of interest to me I realized though that one could keep following the trail of "related videos" forever.

I started my youtube lesson by trying to combine two things I love: Libraries and the Sims 2. I was basically not expecting much, but thought I'd just see. Turns out, there was actually a Sims video someone had made for a competition their library was having. It’s fairly clever, although perhaps one would only appreciate it if they enjoy the Sims.

And here is something if you enjoy Zelda:

I also just searched for some library stuff and found all sorts of great videos...and some not great videos too, but hey, its the internet...what else could I expect?

Here is a video from the 40's talking about the career of librarianship. Dated and awesome, of course.

I had to extract myself at that point because although it was really fun, I had other work to do and feel I understand the lesson. I could have gone on though...

As far as a library application, I wonder if we could make a library tour and post in on youtube and our library home page. We used to have one done in still photos using some sort of sideshow application I believe, (this was actually prior to my time at Rocky). Perhaps this would be a way to revive that feature using 2.0 technology.


I am finally back to work on my 2.o lessons. Today I listened to several different podcasts on several subjects. It was pretty interesting. I had never before experienced a podcast and only vaguely knew what the term meant. I used both the Yahoo Podcasts and I think I preferred the latter.

I checked out a couple vegan-related shows, listened to a library-related podcast, and one about birdwatching. I ended up subscribing to three of them. It was actually kinds of coincidental because the library podcast I chose to listen to was about knowing the changing library patron, and it was hosted by a woman whom I had heard speak (on the same topic) at the ILL conference in Lakewood, CO in May. What a small world. There were several podcasts in the librarycast that I thought would be helpful to me professionally.

I also tried to find a podcast about bicycle maintenance tips, but without any real success. There were definitly bike related ones, but not exactly what I was looking for.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Behind Schedule

Well, I took a week off for vacation and then got sick with a dreadful cold promptly upon my return and so took a couple days off to heal myself (and I am grateful to say I do feel much more alive today). Consequently, I have the last two weeks of 2.0 learning to get caught up next week's! Yikes! Oh well, I am sure it will be fun and go by quickly as that is how I have felt about all the previous assignments.

On a completely unrelated note... Here is a quote by May Sarton that I think is amazing and wanted to share:
Help us to be the always hopeful
Gardeners of the spirit
Who know that without darkness
Nothing comes to birth
As without light
Nothing flowers