Monday, July 21, 2008

Playing with Image Generators

I had perhaps a little too much fun last week playing with image generators. I made all sorts of silly pictures. It was fun, but I am not sure if there are really many practical applications for say, creating your own Vegas-style wedding chapel or road sign.

I did enjoy the Word Clouds a lot. Once again, I don't know if they serve a "purpose," but they are quite pleasant and colorful to look at which is right up my alley really.

This cloud is the lyrics to Lay Down Your Weary Tune by Bob Dylan

This cloud is the lyrics to Ripple by the Grateful Dead.

I also made my own coat of arms. It was cool. I printed it out and hung it on

my fridge, but evidentially didn't save a copy to add here. Maybe I'll scan it
and add it later on.

All and all a great playful learning week, which was an area I thought I already
excelled at. Turns out, I was right.

Here is a list of the sites I'm talking about, if you want to go tinker on
your own:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Library Trading Card

Library Trading Card
Originally uploaded by B. Dopp
I created this trading card as part of the Flickr assignment. It was actually pretty fun. I had an especially good time looking at the other librarians cards for inspiration/ideas. It reminded me once again (not that I need reminding) just how funny librarians are. Where does the old lady librarian with glasses on the tip of the nose, running around shushing everyone come from? I'm not sure I really know ANY librarians like that.

I also really find the mappr mashup intriguing. I think it would be particularly useful in recording my birding photos so that I would know what I had spotted where. I might have to look into the matter further.

Bald Eagle in Flight

I love this photo I found on Flickr. The grace and movement of this beautiful bird are so wonderfully captured. Credit for this awesome shot goes to Nikographer (Jon).

I have yet to really master the capturing-birds-in-flight thing. That is really something I need to get better at as they spend most of their time doing that and very little time sitting on branches patiently waiting whilst I snap some photos. We haven't seen a Bald Eagle since we started bird watching in earnest, but hope to soon. Matt really wants to ID some raptors. I would think it has to be easier than these other itty-bitty birds, but bird watching is a lot harder than I would have thought at all to begin with. I love the birds.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Wonder of RSS Feeds

I love RSS feeds!! This is amazing! I wish I had learned about it much earlier. I sort of had it in my head that all these new technologies were going to be just one more thing I had a password for and had to check up on. RSS feeds are actually a time saver though! I am quite pleasantly surprised.