Wednesday, June 11, 2008

7 1/2 Habits of Life Long Learners

I would certainly consider myself a life long learner, but had not given much consideration to what traits they might share. Reflecting on which of these traits I strongly possess and which I need to work on was interesting for me. I would say there was more than one trait on the list that I feel I need to work on more.

I have difficulty always seeing problems as challenges, and have a tendency to get frustrated by them, rather than seeing them as the opportunities they are. I agreed quite strongly with something mentioned in the Life Long Learners presentation: that where I am today is because of the curve balls given to me in life that i learned to deal with and overcome. It would do me good to remember that more often. I also think I should work on setting goals. I am more like "oh, it would be cool to know..." but without a specific goal or purpose in mind to focus and motivate me. Perhaps that vague "it would be cool to know..." goal is enough, but I also think it allows me to get side tracked in my education more easily.

I am strong in the play and teach others category. I actually love to share my skills/knowledge with others who wish to have it. Its fun. And play, well, who doesn't love to play-learn. That's the best kind of learning there is I think. I actually love children's arts and crafts books because I find them filled with a joyous playful learning. I made a rainstick last week. I am making a drum this weekend.